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Barack Obama

Supported Israel financially and militarily throughout his administration. Stated that the issue in Palestine is complex.

Who is Barack Obama?

Former President of the United States 2008-2017




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Wanted to kill Gaddafi because he wanted to take the freedom of Libya away and replace it with capitalism.

Stated that the issue in Palestine has a lot of complexity, despite the fact that it's not that complex. One side is doing genocide, the other side is experiencing genocide.

During the initial years of the Obama administration the U.S. increased military cooperation with Israel, including increased military aid, re-establishment of the U.S.-Israeli Joint Political Military Group and the Defense Policy Advisory Group, and an increase in visits among high-level military officials of both countries.

The Obama administration asked Congress to allocate money toward funding the Iron Dome program in response to the waves of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel.

In March 2010, Obama took a public stance against plans by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to continue building Jewish housing projects in predominantly Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem.

In 2011, the United States vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements, with the United States being the only nation to do so.

Obama supports the two-state solution to the Arab–Israeli conflict based on the 1967 borders with land swaps.

In 2014, Obama likened the Zionist movement to the civil rights movement in the United States. He said both movements seek to bring justice and equal rights to historically persecuted peoples, explaining: "To me, being pro-Israel and pro-Jewish is part and parcel with the values that I've been fighting for since I was politically conscious and started getting involved in politics."

Obama expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict.

On December 23, 2016, under the Obama Administration, the United States abstained from United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territories as a violation of international law, effectively allowing it to pass.


Amplified Zionist Lies:

This individual has used their voice and platform to echo and amplify egregious Zionist lies but also perpetuate the subjugation, torture, brutalisation and murder inflicted by the Israeli-occupation of Palestinian and its attempts to erase Palestinian identity, culture, heritage and statehood.

These egregious and dangerous lies MAY include but are not limited to:

  • Palestinians beheading babies
  • Palestinians baking babies in ovens
  • Hamas Headquarters under Hospitals
  • All Palestinians are terrorists
  • All Palestinians hate all Jews
  • Israel didn’t kill its own citizens on October 7th
  • Israel would never bomb hospitals (it ravaged almost all of them)
  • Israel is the 'only democratic state in the Middle East'

Spreading misinformation and hateful propaganda against Palestinians is a deplorable act of dehumanization that directly enables human rights abuses, ethnic cleansing and violence against the Palestinian people.

By employing such malicious tactics to deny Palestinian realities and whitewash war crimes, home demolitions and the systematic deprivation of human rights under military occupation, this individual has provided racist cover for 75+ years of subjugation.

This misinformation doesn't just distort the truth, it actively endangers Palestinian lives and inflames hatred, justifies atrocities like the active genocide and obstructs any path to justice through the wilful erasure of the Palestinian lived experience.

For more information about amplified Zionist lies, please visit:

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