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Beyoncé / Beyonce

Beyoncé has been silent about the current US sponsored genocide in Palestine despite having a large following and a big influence on public opinion. She also moved forward with showcasing her Renaissance film in the settler city of Tel Aviv, despite the active genocide.

Who is Beyoncé / Beyonce?

American singer, songwriter and businesswoman.




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Beyonce continues to remain silent about the genocide in Palestine despite often portraying herself as an activist and advocate for liberation. She is also showing her movie on occupied stolen land, she did not change her decision even after the genocide in Gaza. Beyonce wears and promotes jeweller Lorraine Schwartz (she references Lorraine in her latest track, MY HOUSE). Lorraine is a zionist who posts misleading and racist isreali propaganda on Instagram. She is also a capitalist who benefits from the exploitation of workers. Her brand "Ivy Park" uses sweatshops in Sri Lanka to manufacture clothing. The company has denied this allegation but did not provide counter proof.

Despite never acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians or the relentless and discriminate killing of over 40,000 Palestinian indviduals by Israel, she has publicly displayed solidarity with an Israeli child who was kept in Hamas captivity - once again demonstrating selective advocacy.


Silence = Complicity:

For those who have passionately spoken out against other instances of genocide and massacres, yet fall silent when it comes to the suffering endured by Palestinians, their silence becomes a glaring indictment of the value placed on Palestinian lives and perpetuates a dangerous narrative that suggests Palestinian suffering is somehow less worthy of outrage, less deserving of empathy and less human than that of others.

By choosing silence in the face of Palestinian suffering, those with influential platforms inadvertently contribute to the erasure of Palestinian voices and experiences. They perpetuate a narrative of invisibility that allows the injustices inflicted upon Palestinians to continue unabated, shielded from the spotlight of global scrutiny.

Their silence sends a chilling message of complicity to the world – one that suggests Palestinian lives are expendable, their struggles inconsequential and their humanity negotiable. It emboldens perpetrators of violence and oppression, granting them impunity under the guise of indifference.

To remain silent in the face of Palestinian suffering is to betray the very essence of activism – the relentless pursuit of justice for all, without exception or equivocation. It’s a betrayal not only of the Palestinian people but of the universal principles of human dignity and equality and instead is a tacit endorsement of the dehumanization and marginalization of an entire population.

True activism demands consistency and integrity, an unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power and standing in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed, regardless of geography or politics.

BDS Boycott:

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement is a global campaign which follows the worldwide boycott movement that led to the successful dismantling of apartheid in South Africa and therefore advocates for various sustained forms of boycott against Israel until it complies with international law.

Founded as a response to the rampant, ongoing and systemic dispossession, displacement, and disenfranchisement endured by generations of Palestinians, the BDS movement is in direct response to the relentless expansion of Israeli settlements, the imposition of discriminatory laws and the denial of basic rights to millions living under occupation, apartheid or in exile with no right of return.

Central to the ethos of BDS is the belief that every purchase and action carries a weighty moral responsibility. To buy goods from or actively support companies or organizations on the BDS list is to cast a vote in favor of perpetuating injustice, a tacit endorsement of the status quo of occupation and discrimination. It’s a direct violation of the collective conscience, a betrayal of the fundamental principles of human rights and dignity.

By pressuring Israel and its supporters by withdrawing support and capital, humanity aims to bring awareness to — and ultimately — end the occupation of Palestine, grant equal rights to all Palestinians and recognize the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. This pressure also extends to any individuals and entities found to be complicit in the normalization, funding or support of Israel’s brutal occupation and 75+ years of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

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