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Dylan Mulvaney

Despite having a large following and even being voted as woman of the year, Dylan has remained dead silent about the genocide, ignoring any comments about Palestine as well. UPDATE: After 7 months of pressure from her fans she decided to call for a ceasefire.

Who is Dylan Mulvaney?

Dylan is a trans creator with a large following created this past year. She has been silent about the genocide.




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Just as stated above, Dylan has amassed 1.8 mil followers on Instagram and 10.3 mil on Tik Tok, yet has remained radio silent and ignores her fans pleading with her to speak up. She has had multiple instagram stories showing her eating Domino's pizza, which is directly a part of the BDS boycott list.


BDS Boycott:

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement is a global campaign which follows the worldwide boycott movement that led to the successful dismantling of apartheid in South Africa and therefore advocates for various sustained forms of boycott against Israel until it complies with international law.

Founded as a response to the rampant, ongoing and systemic dispossession, displacement, and disenfranchisement endured by generations of Palestinians, the BDS movement is in direct response to the relentless expansion of Israeli settlements, the imposition of discriminatory laws and the denial of basic rights to millions living under occupation, apartheid or in exile with no right of return.

Central to the ethos of BDS is the belief that every purchase and action carries a weighty moral responsibility. To buy goods from or actively support companies or organizations on the BDS list is to cast a vote in favor of perpetuating injustice, a tacit endorsement of the status quo of occupation and discrimination. It’s a direct violation of the collective conscience, a betrayal of the fundamental principles of human rights and dignity.

By pressuring Israel and its supporters by withdrawing support and capital, humanity aims to bring awareness to — and ultimately — end the occupation of Palestine, grant equal rights to all Palestinians and recognize the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. This pressure also extends to any individuals and entities found to be complicit in the normalization, funding or support of Israel’s brutal occupation and 75+ years of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

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