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Eric Andre

Eric Andre signed the "No Hostage Left Behind" open letter thanking president Joe Biden, who has directly enabled the current ethnic cleansing campaign in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. On May 16th Eric Andre went on his Instagram and Tiktok to "set the record straight."

Who is Eric Andre?

Eric Andre is a American absurdist comedian. He hosts a comedy talk show on Youtube in which he interviews celebrities and tries to shock them with absurd tricks. He is also known for doing public stunts.




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No Hostage Left Behind Letter:

A since deleted sensationalist open letter that relied heavily on since refuted but still actively heinous, destructive and dehumanizing lies about Palestinians having ‘beheaded over 40 babies’ among other bouts of misinformation.

The letter also only asks for the return of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas since October 7th and not the thousands of also innocent Palestinian hostage kidnapped by Israel both before and after October 7th — including hundreds of children who have been documented to have suffered assault, torture, sexual abuse, forced starvation after being imprisoned despite having no charges against them.

It also serves to completely absolve Israel of any accountability over the suffering of Palestinians by shifting the blame to Hamas, despite Israel being the active oppressor of Palestinians for decades, ethnically cleansing the population since the early 1900s and now actively committing a genocide while the entire world watches from their screens.

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