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George W. Bush

During his time in office George W Bush supported israel militarily and financially

Who is George W. Bush?

Former President of the United States from 2001-2009




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Has made false lies about the Iraq war with the infamous weapons of mass destruction in Iraq lie causing the death of hundreds of thousands and now George W. Bush is lying about Hamas.

“You’re dealing with cold-blooded killers,” Bush said of Hamas in his first public remarks about the attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant group. “You can make all kinds of excuses why they are, but they are.”

Bush, who oversaw the invasion of Afghanistan shortly after the 9/11 attacks and then the invasion of Iraq in 2003, said “going into the neighborhoods of Gaza is going to be tough” and said expected military action in the area will be “ugly for a while.”

“Negotiating with killers is not an option,” Bush stated, saying Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s job is to “protect his country.”

George W Bush has called for the United States to defend Israel militarilly and have called Israel a solid ally of the United States.

"Israel is a solid ally of the United States. We will rise to Israel's defense, if need be. So this kind of menacing talk is disturbing. It's not only disturbing to the United States, it's disturbing for other countries in the world, as well," Bush said.

Asked whether he meant the United States would rise to Israel's defense militarily, Bush said: "You bet, we'll defend Israel."

In a Guardian article not only did George W Bush reiterate his support for Israel but had also praised Joe Biden for what he is doing: The US must support Israel “no ands, ifs or buts”, the former US president George W Bush said

Saying the US should “stand squarely with Netanyahu” and praising Joe Biden for doing so, Bush said: “The immediate future doesn’t look very bright. Particularly if you’re on the Hamas side. It’s going to be chaotic.



This individual has also either engaged in, shared or celebrated Islamophobia by perpetuating particularly egregious and dangerous stereotypes about Muslims, such as labeling them as terrorists and predators, or making baseless and dangerous allegations based on religion.

We condemn this as wholeheartedly as we do anti-semitism, and you should too because, as most of you know, our movement is a space for collective liberation and justice where all individuals are afforded the same freedoms, human rights and liberties as others. We will not stand by as either or any religion is demonized, vilified and misrepresented by the actions of a select few.

For decades, leading political figures and racist factions have tried to equate Islam with terrorism, extremism or criminal behavior, and we reject that notion wholeheartedly. This deceptive claim seeks to demonize and dehumanize Muslims by falsely asserting an intrinsic connection between Islam and violence when this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Islamophobia serves to both ignore and erase the diversity and richness of Islamic beliefs and practices and instead reduces them to dangerous stereotypes that negate the true beauty of Islam. To perpetuate these falsehoods is to perpetuate discrimination and hatred against Muslim communities, endangering their safety and well-being in an already politically charged climate.

If you ever witness any discrimination, bigotry, or racism in any form, we encourage you to always call it out, interrupt it (when safe to do so), and continue supporting your fellow humans in achieving freedom for all.

Dehumanization of Palestinians:

The systematic erasure of Palestinian history and culture is a well-documented effort that has been ongoing since the early 1900s. This erasure has taken many forms, including the destruction of physical records and infrastructure, the suppression of Palestinian voices and narratives, the appropriation of Palestinian cultural heritage and most visibly, the dehumanization of the Palestinian populace.

From the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, Palestinian records, literature, and cultural heritage faced deliberate and concerted efforts to obliterate their existence and narrative. This deliberate "archival silencing" has made reconstructing this period in Palestinian history incredibly challenging, yet the truths that remain paint a horrifying picture of the deliberate erasure and destruction of an entire population and its culture.

The dehumanization of Palestinians has been a deliberate policy, perpetuated through military operations, discriminatory laws, Israeli education and a pervasive culture that fosters prejudice. Dehumanising rhetoric, portraying Palestinians as "roaches" and "rats," lays the foundation for atrocities by stripping away their humanity in the eyes of the oppressor.

Widespread media narratives also project institutional biases ranging from depicting Palestinians solely as militants or desperate victims and erasing their normal daily life to embedding language biases around land, protests and resistance tactics. These patterns collectively indicate how public discourse within segments of Israeli society systematically dehumanize Palestinians while entrenching prejudices against them.

Falsely Equating 'Intifada' with Terrorism:

Despite the egregious lies and falsehoods perpetuated around the Intifada and its meaning, the reality is the Intifadas (shake-offs) represented grassroots Palestinian rebellion against decades of Israeli occupation characterized by nonviolent demonstrations and civil disobedience centered around boycotts, tax strikes, protests, and other measures focused against the occupation.

It was only after intense oppression from Israeli forces that resulted in the brutal massacre of approximately 1,100 innocent Palestinians (many of them women and children) that protestors adopted more violent tactics, still limiting themselves to throwing stones and molotov cocktails in the face of intense military aggression and force.

Similarly, 3,350 Palestinians would also later be slaughtered by Israelis during the second intifada, with tens of thousands more gravely injured - once again showing the violent and oppressive response innocent Palestinian civilians faced when protesting for their basic human rights and liberties.

Therefore, the malicious characterization of the Palestinian Intifadas as acts of "terrorism" and "genocide" represents an insidious attempt to delegitimize and demonize the struggle for Palestinian self-determination and liberation from Israeli occupation. This purposely inflammatory misrepresentation seeks to erase the historical roots of the Intifadas as grassroots uprisings and nonviolent civil resistance movements against decades of dehumanizing oppression.

By predominantly portraying the struggle for Palestinian liberation and statehood as inherently violent and affiliated with terrorism, Israeli propaganda and its supporters engage in a campaign of vicious historical omission and revisionism. They erase the fundamental reality that the Intifadas were born of decades of dehumanizing oppression, land theft, and ethnic persecution carried out against the Palestinian people by Israel's militarized occupying forces.

To equate these cries for emancipation with "terrorism" or “genocide” is a purposeful act of dehumanization that seeks to disparage and silence the Palestinian cause and render the victims of occupation and institutionalized racism as the aggressors, while sanctifying and absolving the state that has systematically stripped them of their homeland, rights and dignity through unrelenting violence, subjugation and displacement.

Amplified Zionist Lies:

This individual has used their voice and platform to echo and amplify egregious Zionist lies but also perpetuate the subjugation, torture, brutalisation and murder inflicted by the Israeli-occupation of Palestinian and its attempts to erase Palestinian identity, culture, heritage and statehood.

These egregious and dangerous lies MAY include but are not limited to:

  • Palestinians beheading babies
  • Palestinians baking babies in ovens
  • Hamas Headquarters under Hospitals
  • All Palestinians are terrorists
  • All Palestinians hate all Jews
  • Israel didn’t kill its own citizens on October 7th
  • Israel would never bomb hospitals (it ravaged almost all of them)
  • Israel is the 'only democratic state in the Middle East'

Spreading misinformation and hateful propaganda against Palestinians is a deplorable act of dehumanization that directly enables human rights abuses, ethnic cleansing and violence against the Palestinian people.

By employing such malicious tactics to deny Palestinian realities and whitewash war crimes, home demolitions and the systematic deprivation of human rights under military occupation, this individual has provided racist cover for 75+ years of subjugation.

This misinformation doesn't just distort the truth, it actively endangers Palestinian lives and inflames hatred, justifies atrocities like the active genocide and obstructs any path to justice through the wilful erasure of the Palestinian lived experience.

For more information about amplified Zionist lies, please visit:

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