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Marsha Blackburn

Marsha Blackburn, a sitting Congress member, has supported Israel's right to defend itself, and has not called for a ceasefire, leading to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children, and the displacement of millions more.

Who is Marsha Blackburn?

Senator of Tennessee, her top funding is from AIPAC for her political campaign and she does whatever their Isreali agenda is instead of representing and keeping the American citizens best interests.




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She claims that Palestinian supporters are called "Hamas sympathizers", is trying to ban Palestinian protests with the "safe and open streets act", and is generally very uneducated about history and facts, including about the Isreal genocide. She tweeted on October 7th saying "The United States should provide Isreal all arms necessary to protect and defend itself against "unprovoked terrorist attacks" by Hamas. Also, Marsha Blackburn has taken $308,791.00 in Pro-Israel donations for the 2024 election cycle (from via ContributionBot).

Additional Information
Pro-Israel Lobbying
  • In 2024, Marsha Blackburn took $11000 from pro-Israel PACs such as AIPAC. Marsha Blackburn also took $396553 from pro-Israel individuals.

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