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Tammy Baldwin

Tammy Baldwin, a sitting Congress member, has supported Israel's right to defend itself, and has not called for a ceasefire, leading to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children, and the displacement of millions more.

Who is Tammy Baldwin?

US Senator in Wisconsin




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Voted YES on HR 6126 named "Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act" which expands the President’s authority to transfer defense articles and servcices from the Department of Defense to Israel.

Co-Sponsored S Res 417 named "A resolution standing with Israel against terrorism" which reafirms the delivery of military resources to Israel in article 9 of that bill: (9) stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply or other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support needs, both during the immediate crisis and in the near future, including by accelerating delivery of defense articles and systems.

Additional Information
Pro-Israel Lobbying
  • In 2020, Tammy Baldwin took $800 from pro-Israel individuals.

  • In 2022, Tammy Baldwin took $2000 from pro-Israel individuals.

  • In 2024, Tammy Baldwin took $500 from pro-Israel PACs such as AIPAC. Tammy Baldwin also took $44748 from pro-Israel individuals.

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