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Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston has been silent about the current US sponsored genocide in Palestine despite being a UN Ambassador. UPDATE: As of June 9 2024 Tom Hiddleston finally made a post through unicef_uk and socceraid speaking about the children affected by the genocide.

Who is Tom Hiddleston?

Despite being seen at various charity events and even one for a Youth Charity, Tom Hiddleston has remained silent on the plight of Palestinians and instead has shared nothing nor spoken about the active genocide happening.




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Tom Hiddleston has remained silent on the plight of Palestinians and instead has shared nothing nor spoken about the active genocide happening despite being a UN Ambassador.

In this video he does not specifically talk about Palestinian children and he didn't use the word "genocide".

He repeats three times that they are raising money for children suffering from conflicts around the world. In that video there was a girl from Palestine, a boy from Ukraine and a girl from Sudan, but this is a short version of the video. In the full version there are many other children from other countries (he mentioned 18 conflict zones) and this video was not made by Hiddleston.


Silence = Complicity:

For those who have passionately spoken out against other instances of genocide and massacres, yet fall silent when it comes to the suffering endured by Palestinians, their silence becomes a glaring indictment of the value placed on Palestinian lives and perpetuates a dangerous narrative that suggests Palestinian suffering is somehow less worthy of outrage, less deserving of empathy and less human than that of others.

By choosing silence in the face of Palestinian suffering, those with influential platforms inadvertently contribute to the erasure of Palestinian voices and experiences. They perpetuate a narrative of invisibility that allows the injustices inflicted upon Palestinians to continue unabated, shielded from the spotlight of global scrutiny.

Their silence sends a chilling message of complicity to the world – one that suggests Palestinian lives are expendable, their struggles inconsequential and their humanity negotiable. It emboldens perpetrators of violence and oppression, granting them impunity under the guise of indifference.

To remain silent in the face of Palestinian suffering is to betray the very essence of activism – the relentless pursuit of justice for all, without exception or equivocation. It’s a betrayal not only of the Palestinian people but of the universal principles of human dignity and equality and instead is a tacit endorsement of the dehumanization and marginalization of an entire population.

True activism demands consistency and integrity, an unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power and standing in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed, regardless of geography or politics.

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